Clairvoyant readings are offered in a "circle" reading tradition from the floor of the sanctuary. Each person who desires a reading is guaranteed a reading. You will be asked for permission by the reader to offer you a reading and you have the right to say "no thank you" if this isn't a good time or if you are not comfortable in this situation. Oftentimes a person will receive more than one reading throughout the course of the evening. First Thursday ends around 9pm but can go as late as 10pm.
First Thursday Messages & Healings
Meets next on March 6, 2025
Meets the 1st Thursday of every month, 7pm.
Doors open at 6:00pm.
The First Spiritual Science Church of Denver
Let the light shine from within you!
On the first Thursday of each month, First Spiritual Science Church hosts a beautiful night of messages and healings. We begin at 7pm with a prayer and a passing of the offering plate for donations. Afterwards, the healing room is open for those who desire healing and will stay open throughout the evening. If you wish to have a healing, move to the front pew, which is reserved for healings, to wait for the next available healer.
Private Readings are also offered for $20 for a 20 minute reading by our church readers. Please sign up and pay for a private reading (if this is desired) when first entering the foyer to attend 1st Thursday. Private readings are offered on a first-come first-served basis, so if you wish to have a private reading, be sure to get there early. Doors open at 6pm.
First Thursday is fun and introspective. If you haven't joined us before, please do to find out what this is all about. If you have attended in the past, we thank you for your participation and look forward to seeing you again.
*All healers and readers are members of First Spiritual Science Church and have gone through a protocol to ensure understanding of church policy, individual rights, and ethical standards.